Our everyday lives are filled with unavoidable chemicals, but why not make the choice to limit our chemical exposure where possible? Absolutely, we still need to live and enjoy life so let’s make this an easy transition. Honestly, you will be surprised just how easy this can be!
I would love to help you understand easy ways to live a more toxic free life. My husband, puppy and I live a toxic free life as much as we can (wine is made of grapes isn’t it?), which means that I have a wealth of knowledge about living healthily, but being a natural beauty therapist, my main knowledge is about toxins in skin care, so let’s focus on that at this stage.
Why use 100% Natural Skincare?
Non-Toxic, Nourishing Ingredients
Most traditional skincare brands on the market contain many harmful chemicals. These chemicals are not only harmful to our skin and health but also to our environment. Natural skin care products use beautifully nourishing ingredients found in nature. Plant-derived ingredients such as herbs, roots, flowers and essential oils are used in place of harmful, synthetic chemicals found in “chemical brands” such as artificial colours, artificial flavours, dimethyl silicone oil, paraffin and other synthetic ingredients.
Natural skin care brands are usually also very focused on the environment and do not test on animals, as well as using recycled and recyclable packaging. I am a big believer in supporting local, so supporting a brand that is made in Australia is a big draw card for me, I love that our bottles are even made in Australia.
Used for Centuries
Plant extracts and herbs have been used by many cultures as cosmetics and perfumes since ancient times. Natural Skincare brands contain Essential Oils to give your creams a lovely aroma, but the traditional “chemical” brands contain an ingredient known as "Fragrance". Unfortunately, "Fragrance" isn't only one ingredient- it can actually contain up to 400 chemicals! Legally though, the manufacturers only have to write one word – "fragrance". Scary hey?
Gentle on Sensitive Skin
People prone to allergies, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis or sensitive skin should pay careful attention to what ingredients are put into the products they use and foods they eat. I see clients with reactions and sensitive skin all the time, and more often than not, it is as simple as replacing their “chemical brand” skincare products to a natural alternative that will give them the relief they have been looking for.
Safe for our Health
Ingredients are listed in the order of their percentage within the product. Let’s use a “chemical brand” “Aloe Vera Cleanser” for example. When reading through the ingredient list you will find Aloe Vera to be 23rd ingredient on the list, the vast majority of other ingredients listed are sulfates, petro chemicals, fragrance, chemical preservatives. Please, don’t be fooled anymore! If you are unsure of an ingredient, pull out your phone and google it.
More than 10,500 ingredients in cosmetic products have been documented by the U.S government, but only a small percentage of these chemicals have been tested for safety. Of those that have been tested, some have been identified as carcinogens (causes cancer), teratogens (causes birth defects), and reproductive toxicants (damages the ability to reproduce). So tell me, why are so many people putting theirs and their loved ones health at risk?
Wishing you all health and happiness,
Jenae x
For a limited time, KOJA readers are welcome to enjoy 20% off the entire Your Beauty Spot skincare range. Use the code, KOJA on Jenae's website to redeem.
Jenae French is the founder, head beauty therapist and skincare formulator at Your Beauty Spot, Natural Beauty Salons. She believes in the importance of nourishing your skin with only natural and pure skincare products, and it was this belief that drove her to formulate her own line of products that are 100% natural containing Australian ingredients, and are NOT tested on animals. The products are used and sold in salon and are also available online. www.yourbeautyspot.net.au